So, you can’t tell me that there is no such thing as Woodland Fairies. You may not have seen them, and I may not have as well, but……does that really mean they are not there watching us as we meander through their forest? I can imagine them swinging their feet as they perch on a…
Author: thecreativenaiad
Did I Go to Art School?
Nope. Let me explain….. When I was in grade school, I took some art classes at the coolest place off of an alley. It was called Trimble Court. They had a shop, and, in the back, there were a couple of art rooms. This is where I first learned about shading and perspective. The teacher…
Let’s Chat a Bit
First and foremost, how are you, I mean, really how are you? Each year we circle the sun. We get a year older and wiser – hopefully. We spend that year hiking up what feels like mountains, sometimes with rocky terrain, and other times we hit that steady valley where life seems to have a…
Welcome to The Creative Naiad where I explore nature, art and the thoughts that tend to tumble through my mind. Thank you for landing here and I hope you find something in these pages that feeds your soul. I am a creative and have been my whole life. Whether it is: A blank canvas begging…