Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet world. I am pleased as punch that you are here.
Let me introduce myself.

I am Laurie, a creative and a mother of four and stepmother to one. An empty nester living with my very large black lab, Bentley. A nurse for 30 years, autistic all my life, a rancher, entrepreneur and lover of nature and most at home in the water.

I have decided to walk away from nursing and start a new path. The thing about a new path is, well, they are new, and unexplored. The path can lead to a cliff or a beautiful meadow. I am personally hoping for a meadow of flowers, but I am sure there will be some cliffs along the way.

The theme that has followed me all through my life is the need to create.
- Decorating my home, and by decorating my home, I mean, pulling out carpet, knocking out walls, restoring floors and finding that perfect color of paint to showcase the feel of a room.
- Creating a new garden, can we talk the excitement of Spring and waiting for the first flowers to bloom or trees to bud out?
- Moving paint on a canvas while listening to my favorite music or creating a mural on a wall.
- The discovery of being able to dye fabric from the plants in my garden or a fresh indigo vat ready for the next piece of fabric to absorb the vibrant shades of blue.
- Restoring old furniture back to life and having them take up residence in my home.
- I believe that everyone is born with a creative gene and how that looks is different for everyone.
Art doesn’t just happen on a canvas: Art is an extension of you!
By: Me
The Beginning of a Blog and What is a Naiad?
When I was in High School, computers could take up a whole room, no age calculating please. Today my phone can fit in my back pocket and allows me to connect to anywhere in the world. A lot has changed in my lifetime.
So, that being said, starting a blog is definitely out of my comfort zone. Rumor is, we grow as a person when stepping out of our comfort zone…..
So here I am, sitting at my desk, with my tablet set up next to my laptop. The tablet is playing, “how to set up your blog” videos, while I try to copy the process on the laptop. Thank goodness for YouTube tutorials, or I would have given up a long time ago. Seriously though, widgets, plug-ins, themes, it is like learning a new language!
A Naiad – is a water Nymph from classical mythology. She is said to call rivers, springs, or waterfalls her home. I find my peace and greatest creative flow in nature or at the water, a place that feeds my soul.

Join me as I to take you on my journey. I want this to be a place for you to land for a moment or longer. To be encouraged to recharge and be present in the moment.
I know you are busy, and my hope is you take a moment to breathe, sip your favorite hot drink and take pleasure in the here and now.