As I sat down to write this, I realized my last post was the summer solstice and now it is the fall equinox! What!! How did the time fly by so fast?
A couple of tidbits I learned while reading about the fall equinox. The equinox happened this year on September 22nd at 7:43 am in Wisconsin. The sun, on this day, rises due east and sets due west everywhere on earth. This gives the whole world 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. At this time in history when the world is full of strife, fear, and uncertainty, this is something that is experienced by us all. I don’t know about you, but I would like to feel more united with humans than divided.
I hope you all had a summer full of adventure, or at least some fun here and there!
Realizing I had neglected to take myself on wooded adventures this summer, I made it a point to go on a couple in the last few of weeks.
Do you know what makes me happier than a fruit fly in a bowl full of aging fruit? Heading into nature.
The whole reason I moved to Wisconsin was all the trees, trails, and waterways. I feel my whole body calm when experiencing nature all around me, especially when surrounded by tree lined paths, birds chirping, and the crunching of leaves under my feet. Add in a bubbling creek and moss covered rocks and I may never return to civilization.
A couple of weeks ago I went to a place called Kinstone that is nestled right outside of Fountain City, WI. It is 30 acres of land on a slight slope consisting of natural prairie and wooded areas. The creator of this beautiful area has brought in HUGE stones and set them up with intentionality. Think Stonehenge. Sprinkled around the large rock areas are the most quant structures constructed with wood, glass, and thatch. I had the whole glorious place to myself and spent over two hours mulling about.

This is just not something you see everyday in Wisconsin.
Yesterday, Mr. Bentley and I went to the Quarry, just outside of La Crosse, WI. One of Bentley’s favorite adventures over the years has been running and hiking with me on the the many trails and paths our area offers. As he ages his joints have started to decline, and many of the trails he can no longer navigate. The Quarry is one place, however, that offers wider, flatter trails, with the extra bonus, hardly anyone is there. He can run off the leash checking out all the smells to his hearts content, which means he is living his best life!

Bentley owning the trail in his happy place.
While he investigated every smell I visually took in the end of summer prairie flowers with orange and yellow butterflies flitting from purple to yellow blooms. I am sure there were fairies in our midst peaking out from behind the birch trees that lined our paths. They are a shy bunch.

The weather was warm but not too warm with crystal blue skies and puffs of clouds here and there.

As we neared the end of our mutual investigation, of all that was delighting us, Mr. Bentley was getting rather panty and tired. He is ten after all. Ascending the final (and only hill) surrounded by prairie grasses and flowers, I began to wonder if carrying my 116 pound dog was going to be the only way to get him over this last hump. I am happy to say he made it up the hill, slowly and methodically. When I opened the door of the truck for him to jump in, he looked at me like I was nuts and promptly laid down under a tree. I poured his water into a bowl and sat with him until he determined he was ready to take on the truck. I don’t think either one of us really wanted to leave…..
I know as the years pass his excursions will get shorter but I am sure mine will as well. Until then we both just keep putting one foot/paw in front of the other and enjoying the beauty and smells around us.
Wishing you a fall full of campfires, sweatshirts, falling leaves, and spectacular color.

Mother Nature bringing in fall. Note the color changes in her hair and around her.
Artwork by Laurie Nelson.
Love this! And you. ❤️
OH, thank you so much Lisa, love you Too!